3 Tips to Great Lighting in Your Stock Videos

If there's one thing that can make or break your stock video, it's lighting. Good lighting spells the difference between an ordinary clip and professional-quality stock footage. In fact, a lighting kit is a staple in a videographer's camera bag.

Here are tips to understand the lighting you have and use it to your advantage.

Ensure you have enough light

Natural light will always be the best option, and it's free. The sun casts an even glow over the subject. Natural lighting is even richer and warmer during the golden hours (shortly before sunrise and after sunset).

However, natural light is unpredictable; it's affected by weather changes and the time of day. Plus, you might be shooting indoors. 

In this case, an artificial light source is your best ally. In videography, there are two general types of light you have to take note of:

  • Hard Light. This type of light produces shadows with sharp, defined edges.
  • Soft Light. This type of light produces shadows with soft edges. Sometimes, there are barely any shadows at all. 

As a rule of thumb, soft light is the better choice for shooting stock videos. It's flattering to the subject, and it creates softer shadows that won't draw attention away from the subject. Soft light is especially beautiful when you have a human subject because it tends to produce smooth, beautiful skin.
